Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Witch King of Angmar

The Witch King on Fell Beast

This is my latest creation. I'm really glad that it's over with actually. I hate painting large models in the first place, and the fell beast is mostly drybrushing which comes out pretty messy. I like how the flaming sword came out though. It really attracts your eye to the most important part of the model.

Now I just need to finish the mounted version of King Theoden and I'll actually have the correct models to play a Pelennor Fields game.

Close up of the Witch King of Angmar

Top Down View of the Wings

Warmachine Starter Groups

I've never been a huge fan of Warmachine. I own a few models from every Warmachine faction, but none of the factions really clicked for me. It seems like everyone has their own hidden agenda, which for some reason makes me dislike all the factions in some way. I guess that's sort of naive of me to say, considering that what other people would call "depth" in a faction, but it just seems like no one really is all that altruistic. Everyone just wants to kill everybody else for one reason or another. I guess that's how miniature war games work, but for some reason this is the only system it bugs me in.

I really like how clean the game mechanics are though, but the cutthroat attitude to playing a game is sort of a turn off for me. I dislike that Warmachine is a game where the player with more general knowledge about models and faction rules has a distinct advantage over their opponent. It makes it very hard for a beginner to play with more experienced players. I personally am waiting for the day where I can start this game with another person who has no prior knowledge of the game.

Anyway, here are the two starting groups I have painted up so far. Please note that the cool effect on the Khadoran jack's weapons was shamelessly taken from some Worthy Painting miniatures that were posted in the Privateer Press Forums.
Commander Stryker




Vlad's Cape


